Creativity. Possibilities. Eternity.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spring Break and Fire Emblem

I realize that I have not blogged in quite a while, so here's a short little snippet about my life and another new product I've tried recently.

There are two more days of college left before spring break, the vacation we've all been waiting for. Just like all the other students here, I'm sick of school and everything that comes along with it (except for hanging out with friends and my lovely boyfriend, of course). But this break will hopefully be enough to reenergize me for the rest of the semester. I might hit the beach (probably not), practice driving (I still need my license), or just sit around the house all day playing video games and writing... which I will probably end up doing. Sigh.

This game is so awesome. If you don't have it, I totally recommend it:

I would give a game review, but it's not exactly my forte. Just know that the 3D effects are awesome, the story is wonderful, the gameplay is fantastic, and overall, it's definitely one of the best games I've played in a long time. It's $39.99 at Wal-Mart and GameStop, if you buy it new. Unfortunately, it's kind of hard to find right now. I would know. I tried about six or seven different stores before I found a copy at a local GameStop (and it was the last one they had in stock).

In my next blog, I'll be talking about Zendaya's style. She's coming out in Dancing With the Stars!

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